Generate slides

Generate slides

You can create slides containing the articles you want using the Tech sheet template. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Click Generate, the following window appears:

You can either include all catalog articles, your favorite articles, a list of articles or models, or using an Excel file.

  1. Select the article source you want, options differ depending on the selected source,
  • If “Favorites” is selected, you need to select the favorite tags,
  • If “List of articles” is selected, you need to paste the article numbers each on a separate line,
  • If “List of models” is selected, you need to paste the model numbers, each on a separate line,
  • If “Excel file” is selected, you need to browse for the file that contains the articles,
  1. Click Next, the following window appears:
  1. Select the folder to which you want to add the slides, or click + and add a new folder to which the generated slides are to be added,
  2. Select the slide size, the selected size appears next to the slide name,
  3. Click Next, the following window appears:
  1. Click Finish, slides are added to the selected folder as shown in the below example: